Being a student at CPE Lyon

The study programme at CPE Lyon is quite intense, but there is also a great life «outside» class!

CPE Lyon appears as an innovative and sustainable graduate school :

  • New and completly renovated teaching facilities and laboratories
  • Technoligically advanced environment
  • Sustainabilty: solar panels and industrial water recovery
  • Landscape spaces promoting biodiversity
  • Accessibility for people with reduced mobility

The Sports Office (Bureau Des Sports : BDS) allows you to choose between 17 sports thanks to the campus facilities.

The academic year is ponctuated by different events organized by several associations and student clubs (35) and coordinated by the Student’s Office.

Either through sport, culture, leisure and relaxation, science, humanitarian actions, and professional initiatives, each student can discover the extra-curricular activities which suit him/her the best. And for those whose wishes are not yet satisfied by these options, you can establish your own project!

The highlights of student life in the school

SEPTEMBER: Start of the year and Fresher’s/Induction Week 

The first highlight of the year is when the 3rd year students are welcomed. The whole school is involved: the administrative and teaching staff and the Student’s Office. During the first few days, this special programme is put into place in order to help you adjust to the new opportunities offered by CPE Lyon, getting to know your year group, and also the 4th and 5th year students and also other international students. The highlight of this period is a week-end (WEI) in a place kept secret till the last minute!

NOVEMBER: Graduation Ceremony and Gala

While some students start their journey at CPE Lyon, others graduate and head for new horizons. Each year more than 340 students in chemistry and in digital science graduate from CPE.

The graduation ceremony takes place in the prestigious Salle 3000 in the Lyon Congress Center (Cité internationale) in the presence of more than a thousand people, including graduates themselves, their families, school staff and many more. 

The graduation ceremony is followed by a Dinner and Gala evening, organized by the Gala Association. This event is first and foremost for the students graduating, but is of course open to all students and staff at CPE.


At the end of the first semester, and well into the ski season, you deserve a little break! The ski week is organized by the Student’s Office and enables you to have a breath of fresh air, a few festive evenings and many other activities.

FEBRUARY: Student’s Office Campaign

Prepare your list of members!

The Student’s Office is elected at the end of a very active campaign, during which several lists of candidates try to convince the electors to choose them via films, breakfasts, events, and meals, etc. There is an exuberant atmosphere at CPE. Do you want to be a part of the next Student’s Office?

In February, we also say « goodbye » to the final year students, who leave CPE to do their Final Year Project all over the world. A get-together is organized in their honor.


Another highlight in the life at CPE is the Arts Week in March-April when the creativity and talents sees the light of day, both that of the students and the teaching staff. The programme includes the Opening Evening, Theater Evening, Musical Comedy, exhibition of paintings, drawings, photos and other poetic creations. This week ends with a Cabaret Evening in the large amphitheatre of the school … great atmosphere guaranteed!

MAY-JUNE: The Finals of the “Company Creation Project” competition

During this time of the year, there is also the «end-of-year» weekend, to say «see you soon» to the year 4 students, most of whom are off to work in a company for 6 months or a year.


Campus virtual visit